Protect Yourself: Identify and Avoid Scam Calls from the Numbers 20379099, 953769951, 095 362 3342, 953625312, 0839985724, and 20810300 in Thailand

Warning: 20379099, 953769951, 095 362 3342, 0839985724, 953625312, 021806000, 20810300, 27009088, 20795271, 022329861, 020179600, 0839930649, 0953646214, 02-037-9099, 20962636, 20162098 in the Thailand In today’s digital age, where communication has...
Protect Yourself: Identify and Avoid Scam Calls from the Numbers 20379099, 953769951, 095 362 3342, 953625312, 0839985724, and 20810300 in Thailand

Warning: 20379099, 953769951, 095 362 3342, 0839985724, 953625312, 021806000, 20810300, 27009088, 20795271, 022329861, 020179600, 0839930649, 0953646214, 02-037-9099, 20962636, 20162098 in the Thailand

In today’s digital age, where communication has become effortless, scam artists are taking advantage of unsuspecting individuals through fraudulent phone calls. Thailand has seen a rise in scam calls, targeting innocent people and attempting to deceive them into divulging personal information or falling for fake schemes. In this article, we will explore the numbers commonly used by scammers in Thailand, such as 20379099, 953769951, 095 362 3342, 953625312, 0839985724, and 20810300, and shed light on how to protect oneself from falling victim to these scams.

Understanding Scam Calls and Their Impact

What Are Scam Calls?

Scam calls, also known as fraudulent or hoax calls, are unsolicited phone calls made with the intent to deceive and defraud individuals. Scammers often pretend to be someone trustworthy, like a bank representative, government official, or even a family member, to gain the victim’s trust and extract sensitive information or money from them.

The Prevalence of Scam Calls in Thailand

Thailand, like many other countries, has experienced a surge in scam calls in recent years. The advancement of technology has made it easier for scammers to manipulate caller IDs, making their calls appear genuine. The anonymity of the internet further adds to the challenge of identifying and apprehending these criminals.

The Impact on Victims

Scam calls can have devastating effects on their victims. People who fall prey to these scams may suffer financial losses, identity theft, emotional distress, and a sense of violation. The aftermath of a scam call can leave victims feeling vulnerable and wary of future communications, even from legitimate sources.

Identifying Scam Numbers

The Numbers to Watch Out For

While scam callers can use any number, there are specific ones that have been frequently associated with fraudulent activities in Thailand. Some of the numbers to be cautious of include:

  • 20379099
  • 953769951
  • 095 362 3342
  • 953625312
  • 0839985724
  • 20810300

Why These Numbers are Used by Scammers

Scammers often choose random or seemingly ordinary phone numbers to trick their targets into answering the call. These numbers may belong to innocent individuals or entities, but the scammers use various techniques to mask their true identities.

How to Protect Yourself from Scam Calls

Be Skeptical of Unknown Numbers

One of the best ways to protect yourself from scam calls is to adopt a skeptical mindset when receiving calls from unknown numbers. If you are unsure about a caller’s identity, it is safer not to answer the call.

Avoid Sharing Personal Information

Legitimate organizations will never ask for personal information like passwords, social security numbers, or bank details over the phone. Refrain from sharing such information with unknown callers.

Register with the National Do Not Call Registry

In Thailand, consider registering your phone number with the National Do Not Call Registry. This action will reduce the number of unsolicited calls you receive, including potential scam calls.

Block Suspicious Numbers

If you receive a call from any of the identified scam numbers, block them immediately. Most smartphones have built-in call-blocking features, or you can use third-party apps for this purpose.

Educate Yourself and Your Loved Ones

Spread awareness about scam calls among your family and friends. Educate them about the common tactics used by scammers and the importance of staying vigilant.

What to Do If You Fall Victim to a Scam Call

Stay Calm and Report the Incident

If you realize that you have been scammed, it’s essential to stay calm and avoid panic. Report the incident to the local authorities or the Cyber Crime Investigation Unit in Thailand.

Inform Your Bank and Service Providers

If the scam involves financial transactions, contact your bank immediately to freeze your accounts and prevent further losses. Inform your service providers as well to safeguard against identity theft.


Scam calls have become a significant concern in Thailand, with scammers using deceptive tactics to exploit unsuspecting individuals. Being aware of the common scam numbers and staying informed about the techniques scammers use can go a long way in protecting yourself and your loved ones from falling victim to these fraudulent activities.


Q 1: Can scammers use local Thai numbers to make scam calls?

A: Yes, scammers can manipulate caller IDs to display local Thai numbers, making it appear legitimate.

Q 2: Is it safe to answer calls from international numbers?

A: It’s best to exercise caution when answering calls from unknown international numbers to avoid potential scams.

Q 3: How can I report a scam call to the authorities in Thailand?

A: You can report scam calls to the local police or the Cyber Crime Investigation Unit in Thailand.

Q 4: Are all unsolicited calls considered scams?

A: Not all unsolicited calls are scams, but it’s essential to be cautious and verify the caller’s identity.

Q 5: Can scammers use email and text messages for fraudulent activities as well?

A: Yes, scammers can use various communication channels, including email and text messages, to carry out their fraudulent schemes.

Tech & Mobile
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