Hadoop and Salesforce Integration Makes Data Transfer Incredibly Easier


Hadoop, an open-source Java-based programming framework, has been getting increasingly popular in the last few years particularly when big data is concerned. This technology is not only easily accessible but also highly reliable as far as difficult data questions and their answers are involved. It would not be wrong to say that Hadoop has significantly transformed the way in which data management is handled. However, the scene keeps getting better and better.  Hadoop has now partnered with Salesforce and has rendered data management even easier.

What is integration means for everyday users remains to be seen? How it partnership is already being hailed as a winner merger. It is being held in high regards by most developers.  They are saying that this merger will be profitable if database managers manage to leverage the features of this integration efficiently. Still, there are many questions that most people are confused about. How from the data transfer takes place from Salesforce to Hadoop? Not everybody is equipped with this knowledge. Admittedly it may seem like an easy task for a database expert, yet it may appear to be daunting for somebody who has just set foot in this ever changing arena.

Here is what you need to know about transferring Salesforce data to Hadoop:

It would be wrong to say that moving Salesforce Dx data to Hadoop does not have its set of challenges. It primarily talks about a whole new aspect of the data integration task and demands much exploration. Then again, with proper knowledge, the data transfer does not need to be a work that you ought to be scared of.

There are innovative tools such as Salesforce2Hadoop. These tools make it significantly easier to transfer data from one platform to another completely. You can also take advantage of these tools to import data from Salesforce to your local file systems. They also offer support for different types of customized data.

The key features of these data transfer tools are:

Scala programming language: Hadoop is mainly based on Java language. Scala programming language makes it easier to interact with Hadoop. This language is relative Lee more accessible and also has a friendly user interface. For an average user, this particular programming language is a lot easier to use.

KiteSDK library: To say the least KiteSDK is packed with information and can be used for the setup of Salesforce to Hadoop data transfer. It provides advanced knowledge about creating data sets with a particular schema. You can even read and write records into the datasets that you create without even having to go into the challenges of APIs.

Apache Avro: You can write on to HDFS with the help of Apache Avro. It provides a significant advantage by enabling to evolve the schema without you needed to report each bit of data.

Apart from data transfer from Salesforce to Hadoop, multiple other applications make use of the two systems. These include Collaborative Filtering tool – an essential component of Salesforce; Product Matrix – a tool that it is widely used for defining features standard metric set as well as log instrumentation.

Without a doubt, Hadoop has taken data management to the next level.  Although, as stated above, the can appear to be difficult for new developers. For expert assistance, you can always make use application lifecycle management services for Salesforce. In conclusion, it can be said that the Salesforce – Hadoop merger has inspired the creation of new applications, which are incredibly handy when it comes to common data management solutions.

Author Bio: Jane Anderson is a digital marketer at Flosum.com, and she talks extensively about content management systems, reputation management systems, social media trends and more. In this article, she discusses, how the Hadoop-Salesforce merger is helping developers with easy data transfer.

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