What is the Full Form of SLP in Law?

The SLP Full Form in Law is Special Leave Petition. In India, the Supreme Court, which is the highest judicial authority, plays a crucial role in upholding the Constitution....
SLP Full Form in Law

The SLP Full Form in Law is Special Leave Petition. In India, the Supreme Court, which is the highest judicial authority, plays a crucial role in upholding the Constitution. One of the ways it does this is through the mechanism of Special Leave Petitions (SLPs). SLPs allow individuals to appeal against the judgments or orders of lower courts or tribunals. This process ensures access to justice and maintains the consistency of Constitutional interpretation by the Supreme Court. Under Article 136 of the Indian Constitution, the Supreme Court has the discretion to grant special leave to appeal against any judgment, decree, order, sentence, or final decision in any matter, except for cases of courts-martial of the Armed Forces. It is important to note that this power is discretionary, meaning the Supreme Court is not obligated to hear every SLP.

What Else Should You Know About SLP?

When the Supreme Court considers granting leave for an SLP, several critical factors are taken into account. These include:

  1. Substantial Legal Issue: The case must present a significant legal question that requires interpretation of the Constitution or other essential laws.
  2. Miscarriage of Justice: The lower court’s decision must exhibit a serious error that leads to an injustice.
  3. Public Interest: The case must hold substantial importance for society at large, necessitating the Supreme Court’s intervention.

Filing an SLP involves specific steps:

  1. Timeliness: Generally, an SLP must be filed within 90 days following the judgment of the lower court or tribunal.
  2. Appellant: The party dissatisfied with the lower court’s judgment is eligible to file the SLP.
  3. Content: The petition should detail the grounds for seeking leave, a brief overview of the case, and the specific remedy sought from the Supreme Court.
  4. Compliance: The SLP must adhere to the Supreme Court’s procedural rules and include the necessary court fees.

Before filing an SLP, it is crucial to carefully consider all relevant factors.

In conclusion, the SLP Full Form in Law is Special Leave Petition, a significant legal tool that enables the Supreme Court of India to address substantial legal issues, prevent miscarriages of justice, and ensure that public interest cases receive the attention they deserve.

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