What Is The Full Form Of CAA In Law?

The CAA Full Form In Law is the Citizenship Amendment Act. Enacted in 2019, this act modified the Citizenship Act of 1955 in India. The CAA primarily facilitates faster...
CAA Full Form In Law

The CAA Full Form In Law is the Citizenship Amendment Act. Enacted in 2019, this act modified the Citizenship Act of 1955 in India. The CAA primarily facilitates faster citizenship for certain groups from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. Specifically, it applies to Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis, and Christians who entered India before 2014. This amendment reduces their required residence period from 11 years to just 5 years to obtain citizenship.

Legal Implications and Usage

The Citizenship Amendment Act has sparked considerable debate both legally and socially. A significant point of contention is its presentation before the Supreme Court of India, with arguments suggesting it contravenes the secular principles enshrined in the Indian Constitution, particularly Article 14, which guarantees equality before the law. Critics argue that the CAA discriminates against Muslims, as it does not extend similar benefits to them. However, it’s important to note that the citizenship status of existing Indian Muslims remains unaffected by this law. The rationale behind the CAA stems from the fact that neighboring countries—Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh—are predominantly Muslim, and the amendment aims to provide easier citizenship access for minorities from these countries who are largely Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis, and Christians.

In conclusion, understanding the CAA full form in law is crucial as it sheds light on the legislative changes and their impact on India’s citizenship laws and societal dynamics.

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