Avoiding Lorries with Hazardous Loads is Key to Improved Road Safety

While big Lorries accidents are thankfully quite rare, they can be incredibly dangerous when accidents do occur. A fully loaded 18-wheel lorry can weigh anywhere up to 80,000 pounds, so they have the potential to do a lot of damage.

When a crash occurs with a big lorry and other road users, there is inevitably going to be severe injuries or sometimes even fatalities in some of the worst accidents. While the weight is one of the main concerns and contributors to injury and death in lorry accidents, the load that the lorry is carrying when it is involved in an accident can also play a part, especially when the load is flammable, such as gas.

An 18-wheel truck that is carrying gas can carry up to three hundred gallons in one load. If the crash results in a compromised tank, the gas can leak onto the roadway and ignite causing quite a severe fire. When it starts, these fires can almost be impossible to extinguish until all the fuel is burnt off.


In most states, there are strict laws which control where lorries can and cannot drive. If a lorry driver failed to obey these laws and was involved in an accident to the injury or death of another person, they will be in serious trouble.

Be Aware of the Dangers

It is important that you as a fellow road user acknowledge and recognize the dangers of sharing the road with these big lorries who carry such large quantities of hazardous materials. If you drive too close to a big 18 wheeled lorry, you could put yourself and your fellow passengers in danger, somake sure you keep a safe distance when coming into contact with these trucks.

If you need to pass a truck with a hazardous load, take the time to signal correctly and not to speed up around a truck. Also, it is crucial that you never under any circumstances try to cuta lorry off.

If you have been involved in a crash with a lorry, why not contact Texas truck accident lawyer Greg Baumgartner. His law firm willtake a look at your case and offer you a no obligation consultation to see if you could make a claim for compensation.

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