Moon Knight Episode 3 Spoiler! - Release time and possible plot

Moon Knight Episode 3 Spoiler! – Release time and possible plot

The Moon Knight 3 Teaser episode has been released and states that the paradigm will now shift to Egypt and ancient Egyptian gods. As in episode 2, we see Marc in Egypt in finding Ammit and Arthur’s tombs also on the same path.

And according to the new teaser, we can say that Arthur will find the tomb before Marc Spector and Steven will take allegations of the body and he will help Layla to find the tomb.

What can happen in the Moon Knight episode 3?
As per comic book and episode 3 teaser, we can say that in the upcoming episode, Marc, Layla, and Khoshu will be discussed as Marc, Arthur, Layla and everyone in Egypt now in the search for Emmet’s tomb.

According to comic books, Marc has the power from Khonshu after being saved by Marlene (Marlene’s character has been replaced by Layala in the series) and in return, Marc vowed to serve Khonshu by becoming an avatar and brought justice for every sin. And I think Marvel has taken the same rear story as we have seen in the episode Knight Moon 2 that Marc has been charged with killing archaeologists in Egypt and since then on the list sought.

As Layala now everything about Khonshu and Marc’s Moon Knight and the transformation method, it is almost confirmed that Layala is the same character as Marlene in a comic. I think episode Moon Knight 3 will deal with the past Hayala, Marc, and Khonshu’s agreement in Egypt.

When scarab now with Arthur so he will definitely find the tomb and he might manage to call Ammit, as in the teaser we can see it in the tomb. Who can be an ammit in the Knight Moon. Some netizens expect that he can have several connections with Kang from the Loki series, as an ammit motive and he remains similar to both of them punishing every sin of their sins to maintain the balance of the Sacred Timeline. It can also be a good perspective to be seen as a variant of Kang Pharoh Rama-tut also ruled ancient Egypt in MCU in several Knight Moon comics so it’s possible that Ammit is no one other than the Kang Pharoh Rama variant.

Release date and time Moon Knight Episode 3
Moon Knight Episode 3 is scheduled to be released on Wednesday, April 13, 2022, at 12:00 Est / pst and at 03:00 EST only on Disney +. We will update every detail about Marvel’s Moon Knight Series, please subscribe to us on Google News.

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