Maths in Competitive Exam

Importance of Maths in Competitive Exam

We are already aware of the fact that competitive examinations are booming up the education industry. Exams like IBPS, SSC, CAT etc. are enhancing at an alarming rate. One thing common and may be fearsome to many aspirants is the subject of mathematics which is asked in almost all the examinations. It is with every subject that one must have clarity about the subject but when it comes to Mathematics, the level required notches up. Questions can be framed from topics which may be out of the box, but having a better understanding of the topic rather than just learning can be a step to success. Here are some important tips to build the basic concepts in learning of mathematics.

(i) Frame the Strategy: In order to excel in the section of Quants, it is very important to analyze the subject. First, go through the syllabus and allot time for all the topics according to the time left for the examination. You may find some topics that are difficult and can be covered at a faster rate, such as Complex numbers, Quadratic equation etc. whereas, the other topics like Calculus, Number System etc. which acquires the majority of questions need more time and attention. 

(ii) Jot down the list of Formulae: Formulas are the first thing that comes to our mind when it comes to the subject of Mathematics. It is important to note down the formulas while preparing for the competitive exam. In order to have a fast calculation, it is important to memorize all the formulas. Practicing more questions related to the formulas will always help to be a step ahead towards clearing the examination.

(iii) Practice Daily: We are already aware of the fact that “Practice makes a man Perfect”. Thus it is extremely important to keep practicing maths daily. Practice not only prepares us for the competitive examination but also reduce the chances of making mistakes. Dedicate few hours daily to have masterly skills.

(iv) Online test practice: You may find many online websites where you can analyze your preparation by appearing in various test series. Some of them may be free of cost. Having a clear view of the exam pattern may help you to attempt more. All these test series are the replica of the actual exam and help in boosting up your confidence level drastically. 

(v) Determine strength and weakness: After solving the test series it is very important to figure out the strengths and weakness of a person. One may find a topic very easy whereas the other may find the topic to be burdensome. Such as if someone finds Linear equation to be difficult then he should definitely work on the same topic so as to have a better understanding rather than just wasting time on strong areas.

All these tips are important steps to excel in the examination. This will help us in building up the basics of mathematics along with clear understanding of the topics which is very beneficial at the time of examination.

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