A Photo Manager Makes Backing Up Pictures Easier Than Ever

Backing Up Pictures Easier Than Ever
Backing Up Pictures Easier Than Ever
Backing Up Pictures Easier Than Ever

Nothing is worse than not having your pictures backed up, or thinking they’re backed up when they aren’t. Even worse… you think they’re backed up and they end up getting deleted.

Not only that, but your pictures might be scattered all over the place, from your phone to Facebook to other digital assets. Having your images in one place might seem impossible, but it’s a convenience that’s easily attainable.

After all, we live in a booming technological age, and this dilemma is easy to solve thanks to the ibi by Sandisk.

So what is ibi and how does it make backing up pictures easier than ever?

It’s a smart home device for syncing, managing, and sharing online photos.

It allows users to save photos (and videos) all in one place, which makes it easy to organize these pictures and find what you’re looking for, as opposed to checking your phone, Facebook, Twitter, or other channels for one specific photo that you can’t remember where you saved it.

Of course, privacy is a huge issue and seems less feasible with so many different companies collecting our data. However, the ibi photo manager allows you to share your photos privately to your contacts — you can even send entire albums.

This photo manager is described as social media you can control, and that’s because of ibi’s private sharing, as mentioned above, which allows you to choose who sees your photos. You can also post these images in a private feed of people you trust and want to see your photos.

Social media is a great tool, and it allows you to connect with people who live close and far away. However, you never truly know what’s happening to your data on social media networks that aren’t secure. We don’t want to completely knock down social media, though, because social media has many benefits for businesses, such as increasing brand awareness, establishing your brand as an authority figure, staying top of mind, generating leads, and so much more.

But not everyone wants to share their lives with the world, and some things are meant to stay private. However, people still want to share photos with family and friends, and this photo manager lets you achieve that goal with ease.

According to The Guardian, Facebook suspended tens of thousands of apps because of a privacy investigation.

The point being, now more than ever, it’s important for users to take privacy into their own hands. Companies are using this data for their own benefits. And the only thing people want to do is connect with the people they know.

Thanks to photo managers, that’s possible, and if you’re worried about storage space, then the below information should put you at ease.

As stated on its website, ibi can store 2 terabytes of space (at a one-time cost), 500,000-plus photos, and 200-plus hours of video. Gone are the days of having to delete your photos and apps just to take a new photo or store something on your phone.

Cloud services can come with hidden costs, and these monthly fees can really add up over time. But ibi costs $179.99, and it isn’t a recurring fee. The best part? There’s no limitations on the quality of your photos, and they don’t live on someone else’s server, such as a social media network.

The ibi photo manager truly allows you to stay in control of your photos, videos, and privacy. It allows you to share special moments with the people you love. In every way imaginable, it makes backing up pictures easier than ever.

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