Artificial Intelligence

The Advantages of Specialising in Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform tasks similar to human ones. Most examples of artificial intelligence you hear today – from computers that play chess to cars that drive without help – depend heavily on deep learning and natural language processing. Using these technologies, computers can be trained to perform specific tasks by processing large amounts of data and recognizing patterns in the data.

The benefits of specialization in artificial intelligence provide you with exclusive resources, only for partners, that will help you excel, differentiate and gain momentum in the market segment of artificial intelligence.

Where Artificial Intelligence is present

In addition to the previous examples, Artificial Intelligence is also applied in the following situations:

  • Space research, since the machines are better adapted to adverse environments and less likely to fail in their activities;
  • Cellular voice assistants like Siri and Google Now, who give the user the news he wants to read;
  • Face recognition, when the person posts a photo on Face book and automatically the face of the individuals present in the image are identified;
  • Extraction of ore, because the machines support certain conditions in the environment, unlike the human being;
  • Medical processes like, evaluations, surgery simulators and monitoring;
  • Exploration of the ocean, since man cannot explore the whole ocean without compromising his health;
  • Learning through the use of applications, interactive screens and other devices.

Benefits of Using Artificial Intelligence

Now that you know some examples of application of Artificial Intelligence, both in our routine and in business processes, know some benefits provided by the technology:

  • Problems solution;
  • Repetition;
  • Innovation;
  • Long hours of work, no need for breaks;
  • Accuracy and accuracy;
  • Easy locomotion to places limited to humans;
  • Fast communication;
  • Reduced rework;
  • Modernization.

Online Course on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

The online artificial intelligence training bay area and Robotics will start you in the study of artificial intelligence techniques, its application in expert systems, intelligent agents and in new areas such as machine learning, IOT (Internet of things) and use of Chat bots .

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics are two scientific and technical disciplines with a future of indisputable application and with a tangible current reality.

Goals of artificial intelligence training

  • Develop the forms of logical thinking and the capacity for reasoning.
  • Provide knowledge about AI applications and trends to make any device (PC, phone, TV, watch, etc.) an intelligent tool.
  • Create virtual robots (chat bots) that interact with the user

For whom artificial intelligence training targeted

  • The student must have basic knowledge of programming in some language, for example PHP, Visual Basic, Python, etc.
  • And also knowledge of linear algebra. Representation of functions and calculations on them.

How does it work?

  • The course is through the Internet in the modality of online course or distance course.
  • Classes and exercises are taken from our virtual classroom from which you will have access to the lessons, videos, e-books, exercises and practices on real cases.
  • You can take the lessons at any time and every day of the week.

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