Super foods during the course of pregnancy?

The need of the hour is a healthy diet along with maximum intake of nutritious food during the course of pregnancy. Though eating healthy is the key, but at...

The need of the hour is a healthy diet along with maximum intake of nutritious food during the course of pregnancy. Though eating healthy is the key, but at times we do cheat a little. Say for example doughnut for breakfast. All of us have been there and now when you are pregnant you need to be careful a little. The reason for it is that whatever is the intake of your food it passes on to your baby. Say for example during the course of pregnancy you will need to increase the intake of calcium in your body for the healthy development of bones. A good gynecologist in Navi Mumbai will prescribe on what to have or what not to during the course of pregnancy.


It is considered to be good for the eyes or brain of the baby as Omega 3 fatty acids is present in them. Salmon happens to be a ready source and in addition to this you get proteins or B vitamins. The best part about this fish is that the mercury content is low when you compare it to shark. In case of shark since the fish goes on to live for a longer period of time, the mercury content is high. You can go on to try broiled salmon or a salad. You can also go on to consume 12 ounces of low mercury fish and what better than salmon per week.

Low fat yoghurt

A single cup of low fat yoghurt is known to contain more calcium than milk. It is high in content of sugar and the added flavor of sugar is not there at the same time. To give it a nicer taste you can give a toppling of fruit.


Raspberries or blueberries work out to be excellent evening snacks, and ideally a taste of pancakes on top of a cereal is provided. The berries are known to contain fiber, potassium, calcium along with vitamin C in more than sufficient quantities.


Ensure that you have black or white beans or soya beans in your daily intake of food. One can try them in chilly or pasta dishes. Not only they provide protein or fiber, they work out to an excellent source of iron, foliate or for the matter zinc


Are considered to be the best source of proteins along with amino acids, and this is a must for you and your baby. More than a dozen minerals or vitamins are present in it, which also goes on to include chlorine which is necessary for the development of brain of the baby. Do not indulge in consumption of raw or uncooked egg, because they are bound to have a negative impact on your baby as a whole.

Whole grains

Whole grains or breads are known to contain a huge chunk of folic acid, and the iron or fiber content is much more than the white bread. You can incorporate whole grains in your diet and it can be oatmeal for breakfast, a sandwich or brown rice for dinner.

These are some of the super foods which can be consumed during the course of pregnancy, but it is still suggested that you seek an expert advice of a gynecologist in Navi Mumbai Vashi you can guide you further.

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