Love spells for married couples

Marriage is a lovely institution but then a conjugal life is not always a bed of roses. It comes with its own share of thorns which can destroy an otherwise loving bond in just a matter of days. Patience, trust and understanding are 3 important watchwords for successful marriage. But at times it feels like you are not being able to do anything to save your marriage, despite several attempts. It could be that your marriage is badly under the grasp of some negative energy now which is thwarting all your attempts to save the relationship Magic spells. It could also be that a 3rd party is after your spouse who is channelizing every effort possible in the world to ruin your relationship.

But if you are sure about your love for your partner and his love for you, you must not bow down to any negative force. This is where the love spells would help you out. While we mostly see love spells to attract a crush, there are also love spells that are meant especially for married couples. It is magic of Magic Spells.

These spells would help to-

  • Remove negative energy from your relationship
  • Restore lost love
  • Bring harmony & peace in the relationship
  • Enable you two to start everything afresh
  • Reinforce emotions that got you attracted long time back
  • Reignite love for one another and for the family overall

One such spell is healing a marriage spell. To do the spell you would need- pink candle, white candle, fireproof bowl, pen, paper & lighter. Start with writing 2 letters addressed to Gods of the universe. The first one would be a narration of problems you are facing in your marital life. In the second letter, express how you want things to be to sort out everything Magic spell. For example, if you think your marriage is in dire crisis because of your workaholic husband, write down that you want your husband to give you more time. Be as detailed as possible with both the letters.

Now, take all the ingredients & the letters & cast the magic circle. Then, light up the white candle. It represents spirituality and peace. Next light the pink one which symbolizes love & affection. Put your first letter in your fireproof bowl. Light it up & as it burns visualize all negative energies from the marriage burning away fast with it. Pray to the sacred flames to make everything anew in the relationship so that you two can start afresh.

Now, take your 2nd letter and 2 strings. Read the letter quickly & imagine happy moments with the spouse. Then, tie up both the strings to make one long string. Fold up the second letter properly & tie it up tight with the string. Magic spells Then, chant the spell as you carry the process. It’s a prayer to the gods & Goddesses to help you two stay strong together. When you finish the chant, close your circle & bury down the tied paper near some birch or apple tree.

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