In case if you do not have any major problems with your skin then consider yourself to be lucky. Water and soap could be doing the trick for you. If this is not the case you might have to visit a dermatologist. Most people think them as acne doctors but they have a lot to offer.
Chronic conditions of the skin
You might be having flaky or itchy skin? Over the counter lotions or products might not be providing proper results. You might attribute to the weather but in reality it could be due to some form of chronic skin condition as psoriasis or eczema. All these skin conditions can be effectively treated under the guidance of a dermatologist in Rohini. They provide you with strong medicines to give you a better control over your skin. In certain cases most skin disorders would fade away without treatment but this hardly happens. If you are experiencing such symptoms it is better to seek an appointment with a dermatologist at the earliest.
Annual screenings of skin cancer
Are you aware that skin cancer does appear to be most common type of cancer? As per experts nearly 3.5 million people are victims of skin cancer on a yearly basis. This works out to be a lot more when you combine all the cancers together. As with any type of cancer early detection and treatment is the key. The patients are asked to meet up with a dermatologist once in a year as part of annual screening tests. Not only they will cure the disease but prevent it from happening.
Between skin cancer screenings, you should examine your own skin. In between if you notice significant changes in your skin do not wait for your annual appointment. If markings or changes occur get in touch with a dermatologist right away.
Hair loss
When you brush your hair, have you seen heaps of hair on the comb? You might have to fix up an appointment with a dermatologist. Millions of people turn up to a dermatologist for hair loss along with scalp disorders. In case if you are a male and suffering from hair loss or a receding hairline it would be prudent on your part to fix up an appointment with a dermatologist right away.
If you are just like others you might be really scared to bear the cost of a dermatologist. For a medical reason the chances are high that it would be covered by medical insurance. Cosmetic reasons can cover it but this would not be the standard practice. Whatever be the case do not play any guessing game when it comes to insurance. It does make sense to check out with your health insurance provider before you make an appointment with a dermatologist. If you are not having any insurance you can always get in touch with a company and find out more about them. Do make a decision which is as per your budget