The BCI full form in law is the Bar Council of India. Established under the Advocates Act of 1961 by the Parliament of India, the Bar Council of India is a crucial statutory body. It holds significant responsibilities in regulating the legal profession and legal education across the country....
The FDP Full Form in Law stands for Final Decree Proceedings. This term refers to the final step in resolving complex legal cases. Before a case concludes, these proceedings play a crucial role in finalizing the outcomes of disputes. Think of a court case as a two-act play: the...
The EP Full Form in Law is Execution Petition. This legal document plays a crucial role in the court system following a verdict. After a judgment is made, successful plaintiffs often need to ensure that court orders are enforced. This is where an Execution Petition (EP) becomes essential. Filing...
The ILR Full Form in Law is Indian Law Reports. These reports are crucial to the Indian legal system. Established by the Indian Law Reports Act of 1875, ILRs document significant judgments from High Courts across India. This article explores the importance of ILRs in Indian law. The 1875...
The WP Full Form in Law is Writ Petition. A Writ Petition is a formal written order issued by a higher court, such as the Supreme Court or High Court, directing a lower court, a government official, or a public authority to either perform or refrain from performing a...
The ATC Full Form in Law stands for Announcements, Tablings, and Committee Reports. These elements are fundamental to the legislative process, ensuring that legislators are well-informed and able to make decisions based on the latest information. Announcements, tablings, and committee reports—collectively referred to as ATC—are crucial tools that facilitate...
The CWJC full form in law is Civil Writ Jurisdiction Court. This term refers to specific High Courts in India where individuals file civil writ petitions. These petitions are formal requests made to the court seeking civil legal remedies. Typically, these petitions involve asking the government to fulfill its...
The MA full form in law is Master Agreement. This pivotal document establishes a comprehensive framework outlining the rules and guidelines for how parties will collaborate on various projects over time. It meticulously details responsibilities, the services to be provided, delivery schedules, payment terms, and dispute resolution mechanisms. By...
The OP full form in law is “Order of Protection.” This term is commonly used to describe a legal mandate issued by the court to safeguard an individual from another person who may be causing them harm or engaging in harassment. The primary objective of an Order of Protection...
The STC Full Form in Law is “Subject to Contract.” This term is widely used during the early stages of negotiations to indicate that any agreements made are not legally binding until a formal contract is signed. By using this phrase, parties involved in the negotiation process retain the...