Are online astrological predictions true?

Are online astrological predictions true?

Astrology comes with many forms of belief systems that state the viability and validation of the relationship between the movement of the celestial bodies and the events that are to do with personal human lives on earth. However, the scientific community has rejected astrology and its holding to the belief system that the movement of the celestial bodies and the personal lives of human beings are related.

But as one of the famous lines from Shakespeare’s play Hamlet say, “there are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy,” let us not be arrogant in assumptions of how the universe works and keep an open mind on the things that yet cannot be explained.

So if you ask astrologer this question – are online astrological predictions true? If the astrologer to whom you are posing this question is experienced and a certified professional, who is good at what they do, the answer will be that astrology is not to make predictions about what may or may not happen to you. But astrology is meant to be a guiding tool that will help you navigate through the ebbs and flows of life and make conscious and informed decisions. 

This brings us to the many myths that are associated with astrology, firing people’s imagination and expectations, and are most definitely not true about astrology. 

Myths associated with astrology

Astrology, which goes a long way back into the pages of history and has been practised over thousands of years in today’s age, has been immensely misunderstood. And right up there is the misconception that online or any form of astrology can make predictions that will come true. So as an effort to clear up these misconceptions and fallacies, here are some misconstrued myths regarding astrology.

Astrology is connected or related to magic, psychic activity and the paranormal.

Most people who possess in-depth knowledge about astrology or do not believe in astrology write it off as something that cannot be explained. Most of them are of the opinion that astrology is about black magic, the supernatural or the paranormal, and more often than not, they think it is about psychic powers. But nothing can be as far from these magic, supernatural, and psychic elements more than astrology. In its essence, at the core of astrology is how the universe appeared, the day, date, time and place of your birth. 

Taking these two factors into account: the appearance of the universe and the day, date, time, and place of your birth, your birth chart is created. Hence, the chart in itself reflects the observable universe and the position of the celestial bodies, the sun, the moon and the planets at the exact moment that you were born. Hence, the astrological belief system of the relationship between the movement of the celestial bodies and the events that are to do with personal human lives on earth.

Astrology can predict the future.

The second and the more dangerous of the two myths regarding astrology is the assumption or belief that astrology can predict the future or even change the future. Our future is always changing because of our present. The actions and decisions we take or make in the present ripple into our future, making the future a constant flux of change. And with every passing moment, the present becomes the past, and the future the present. In this constant chain of motion, with the present becoming the past, and the future the present, making predictions is impossible. Unless there is some kind of crystal ball, some magic involved or the influence of the supernatural or psychic, which astrology is not. So if some astrologer claims that he or she can predict your future, maybe when you are having an astrology chat or an online astrology platform does not believe in such claims.


To conclude, astrology is not there to make predictions about the future. Rather, if astrology is used as it is supposed to be used, it will not just provide guidance to our way of life but, more importantly, empower and help you make rational and conscious decisions. Using your birth chart as a point of reference for astrological readings, astrology will help you gain insight into your personality. Make yourself aware of your strengths and weaknesses, your likes and dislikes. The things that will be good for you and the things that may prove to be harmful. Overall, astrology is meant to help get to know yourself better and guide you as you make your way through life.

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