Ensuring the safety and security of employees, business operations and facilities, and data should be a top priority for any company. Regardless of the industry or location, a crime against businesses is a serious issue across the nation. There are numerous stories in the news illustrating the consequences of incidents of workplace violence and harassment.
What’s more, is the unprecedented rise of cybercrimes that threaten the data and financial structures of businesses. As a business owner, you are responsible for providing adequate security and protection for your employees, your business, your data, and your finances. The good news is that you may be able to thwart many threats to the physical and information security of your company. By implementing a few key physical security practices, your company can put itself in a much better position to provide security and reduce exposure to risks.
Secure your business from the outside in.
As a business owner, the protection of your staff and building are of utmost importance. Many factors play into the type of exterior security you need, such as the type of business you own, the assets you possess, and the level of crime in the area. The more that you can do to prevent unauthorized individuals from gaining access to your facility, the safer your business and staff will be.
Among the security measures, your business should consider are exterior fencing, motion detectors, access key cards, and security officers. A major upgrade is having a security camera system that can be one of the best ways to provide you with 24-hour security. A 4K camera system uses advanced image sensors to monitor and record in all kinds of conditions including low-light performance. Aside from the larger upgrades, even simple steps like improving outdoor lighting or installing signage telling the public that the area is under surveillance could help secure your workplace.
Install a robust access control system.
Access control is a security technique that controls who or what is granted clearance into your business or other resources. It involves both physical security and information security protocols designed to minimize the risk to businesses. An access control system can provide a building-wide system that protects your employees, patrons, information, equipment, and other assets. The idea behind access control is that it identifies an individual who does a specific job, authenticates them, and then gives that individual access to the door, workstation, or data that they require.
According to data from Juniper Research, cybercrime business losses will likely top $5 trillion by 2024. You have to take steps to protect your business information to avoid becoming a victim of cybercrime. Robust access control with authentication capabilities, such as facial recognition technology and clearance levels, will limit access to critical data infrastructure. Limiting access to these areas will offer protection against an inside or outside threat.
Involve all employees.
More than increased security methods, the employees who work for your business will be your first line of defense for protecting your company. Employee involvement is key to the success of all security efforts. Everyone from lower-level staff members to upper management needs to buy into security efforts. This starts by offering training and coaching. Your employees will be monitoring the security systems that are put into place and will take note of any unusual activity in the building or online.
Training processes and protocols will give all employees situational awareness and will help them to develop a greater understanding of the potential threats as well as possible responses. Upper management must lead by example throughout the implementation of security training and policies. The managers will be the ones enforcing protocols and reviewing procedures so it is important that they understand and communicate security guidelines. Your staff will be the first protective barrier for your business.
Protecting the safety of your employees, your facility, and your business requires continual diligence. Investing in upgrades and employee training can go a long way towards securing your business. By implementing the above practices, you may be able to prevent numerous events before they happen.